Jacques Dupin Library

Discover the library

Ever since the foundation opened, the main purpose of the Jacques Dupin Library, situated on the top floor of the octagonal tower, has been to acquire, conserve and publicise documents relating to Joan Miró in order to support study and research into his life and work.

The library is open to visitors and offers scholars, students, professionals in the art world and the general public interested in art access to its holdings. It also supports the exhibition and research work of the foundation.

The library was named after Jacques Dupin in 2013 as a tribute to this poet, Miró’s friend and biographer and a member of the foundation’s Board of Trustees.

The personal archive of Josep Lluís Sert, the architect and a friend of Miró’s, is also held in the library.

Access the Jacques Dupin Library catalogue


The library holds an extensive collection of monographic studies, exhibition catalogues, newspaper and magazine articles, audiovisual material and databases about Miró and his work. These holdings extend from the earliest works published at the start of Miró’s artistic career through to the very latest publications.

The library does not have a lending service but it is part of the interlibrary loan service offered by libraries in the CCUC (University Union Catalogue of Catalonia).

Joan Miró’s personal library

In 1976, Miró donated part of his personal library to the foundation’s library. This collection consists of various monographic studies, exhibition catalogues and magazines that are central to understanding his artistic career.

In 2007, Miró’s family placed another part of the artist’s personal library on long-term loan with the foundation. Notable among this collection of works are readings suggested by the young literary figures and writers of the French avant-garde, with whom Miró frequently met up during his early years in Paris, and books recommended by André Breton and Louis Aragon, the leading lights of the Surrealist movement. It also includes works on the theory of art, philosophy and psychoanalysis.

The library is important for researchers because it offers them the possibility of discovering Miró’s interests and influences.

The library holdings can be consulted by accredited researchers, who must fill in an enquiry form and book an appointment in advance.

Fundació Joan Miró

The library holds a major collection of documents concerning the temporary exhibitions, activities and history of the foundation. These holdings are fundamental to understanding how the institution has evolved and consist of catalogues, monographic studies, posters, audiovisual material, newspaper and magazine articles and other items.

Josep Lluís Sert Archive

In 1982, Josep Lluís Sert donated to the Fundació Joan Miró his personal archive consisting of sketches, plans, correspondence and photographs of his projects, as well as a collection of books and magazines from his personal library, amounting to 3,000 documents. The archive was subsequently expanded when Sert’s friend and collaborator Jaume Freixa made a donation in 2003.

The archive holdings have been digitised and can be consulted using a database.

Resources and Services

  • Access to everyone free of charge. 
  • 40 reading desks.
  • Sockets for plugging in up to fifteen laptops.
  • Online library catalogue (OPAC), accessible from any device with an internet connection and from the library’s computers.
  • Computers for use by the public to consult internal databases and the audiovisual holdings.
  • Interlibrary loan service.
  • Wi-fi with internet connection for use by the public.


  • Where is the library?
    The library is on the second floor of the foundation and can be reached using the stairs in front of the main entrance.
    People with impaired mobility can use the lift to reach the library. To use the lift, you must ask the staff on duty at the entrance.
  • Do I need to book beforehand to use the library?
    The library is open to all visitors free of charge on Tuesday to Friday mornings from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm. To consult the library’s holdings in the afternoon, you must book an appointment in advance. The library, like the foundation, is closed on Mondays.
  • What can I take into the library?
    You can take any material you need for study purposes, including pens, a phone, laptop, etc. into the library. Coats, bags and other belongings can be left free of charge in the lockers on the ground floor of the museum or at the library entrance. Please remember large bags are not allowed anywhere inside the foundation.
  • Who may browse the library’s general collection?
    The library’s general collection is available to researchers, students, professionals working in the art world and anyone interested in Joan Miró and his work.
    You can send your enquiry in advance by email to biblioteca(ELIMINAR)@fmirobcn.org and request and reserve up to seven documents that you wish to consult.
  • What is Joan Miró’s private library? Who may browse it?
    In 1967, Miró donated part of his collection of books, exhibition catalogues and magazines related to art to the foundation’s library and these are now part of the reserve holdings. In 2007, Miró’s family placed on long-term loan with the foundation another part of Miró’s personal library of a literary nature. These holdings can be consulted by researchers, who must fill in an enquiry form and book an appointment in advance with the library.
    You can search for bibliographical references in Miró’s entire personal library in the catalogue of the foundation’s library.
  • What is the Sert Archive?
    The Josep Lluís Sert Archive consists of 3,000 documents donated by Sert to the Fundació Joan Miró in 1982 and was expanded thanks to subsequent donations by Sert’s friend and collaborator Jaume Freixa.
    Much of the archive’s holdings have been digitised and can be accessed in person in the library by filling in an enquiry form.
  • Does the library offer a lending service?
    The library’s collection is for reference purposes and hence it does not provide a home lending service. However, its holdings are available through the interlibrary loan service offered by libraries in the CCUC (University Union Catalogue of Catalonia)
  • May I use my laptop in the library?
    Yes. The library also has a Wi-Fi internet connection.
  • May I take photographs of library documents?
    You can take photographs without flash of documents and items in the library’s main collection subject to author’s rights restrictions and on condition that you ask library staff beforehand.
  • I would like to donate to the library. How can I do this?
    The library accepts donations in keeping with the scope of our collection. In order to donate an item or items to the library, please send an email to [email protected].

Terms and conditions of use

All library users must abide by the following terms and conditions of use:

Use, security and protection of documents
  • All documents are solely for consultation in the library.
  • All documentary material must be looked after and used responsibly.
  • Bags and briefcases must be left in the lockers at the entrance to the museum or to the library.
  • No food or drink (apart from water) may be brought into the library.
  • You must keep a watchful eye on your belongings. The library cannot be held responsible for the loss of personal items.
  • You must comply with current legislation regarding author’s and intellectual property rights when photographing and reproducing documents.
Working environment
  • You must respect the space, equipment and installations in order to contribute to maintaining an appropriate environment. You must not behave in a way that disturbs other users.
  • You must contribute to maintaining the proper functioning of the service and behave correctly towards library staff and follow their instructions. Anyone who behaves improperly towards staff or other users will be asked to leave.

The library holds books, magazines and catalogues. This material is, in general, available for all library users. Once consulted, it must be returned to the desk. To consult the holdings in Joan Miró’s personal library, you must submit your enquiry in advance by email to biblioteca(ELIMINAR)@fmirobcn.org.

Suggestions and new acquisitions

If you want to make suggestions or propose new acquisitions to expand the Library’s collection, you can write to us at biblioteca(ELIMINAR)@fmirobcn.org.

Opening hours and contact

The library is temporarily closed to the public. 

Consult the catalogue

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