Miró - Dupin. Art and Poetry

Temporary exhibitions


Miró - Dupin. Art and Poetry is divided into three parts: Joan Miró and poetry examines the artist's lifelong interest in poetry. Before he left Barcelona, Miró was in touch with the avant-garde poets connected with the Galeries Dalmau, such as Junoy and J. V. Foix, and later in Paris he met the group of Surrealists who frequented the Rue Blomet and who brought him into contact with writers such as Rimbaud, Apollinaire and Jarry.

This section contains paintings and drawings from the Foundation's collection produced between 1917 and 1948, together with Catalan and French books and magazines from the artist's private library. There are also books illustrated by Miró during this early period.

The second section, Dupin - Miró. Dialogues between a poet and a painter, highlights the very close working relationship and friendship between the two men that began in 1957 when Dupin started work on his book on Joan Miró.

It shows works by Miró produced between 1960 and 1970 and books by Dupin illustrated by Miró, as well as the poet's critical appreciations of Miró's art published in catalogues and reviews. There are also poems illustrated by Miró and a variety of manuscripts, letters, photographs and models for joint collaborations.

The third section, Dupin, poet and artists' biographer, analysis the author's work as a poet and his commitment to the world of art.

It contains manuscripts, books of poetry and illustrated books by Jacques Dupin. He was a distinguished art critic, and there are also works by some of the artists he wrote about.

With the collaboration of Arts Santa Mònica.