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Miró and the Object

This monographic exhibition is the first specific inquiry into the role of the object in the work of Joan Miró. Curated by William Jeffet, Miró and the Object looks at how the artist began with pictorial representations of objects and then moved on to physically incorporating them in his works through collage and assemblage, before finally arriving at sculpture.

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col·lecció permanent

Free guided tour of the temporary exhibition Miró and the Object

This monographic exhibition is the first specific inquiry into the role of the object in the work of Joan Miró. Curated by William Jeffet, Miró and the Object looks at how the artist began with pictorial representations of objects and then moved on to physically incorporating them in his works through collage and assemblage, before finally arriving at sculpture.

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El ojo de Miró

Presentation of the book The Miró Eye

In one of his notebooks from the 1940s, Joan Miró jots down some of the projects he would like to pursue: "...create an album with beautiful photographs of objects that I have found and embellish it with a pochoir or a coloured lithograph, with a poetic text or poem, or even a poem of my own.

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La Masía. Un Miró para Mrs. Hemingway

La Masía. Un Miró para Mrs. Hemingway

Launch of the book by Àlex Fernández de Castro, with the participation of Rosa Maria Malet, Director of the Fundació Joan Miró; Elena Juncosa, coordinator of the Mas Miró project, and Carme Manuel, Director of the Biblioteca Javier Coy d’Estudis Nord-americans and Professor of English Philology at the University of Valencia.

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