The Fundació Joan Miró Launches a New Visual Identity


Studio Diego Feijóo, with the collaboration of Javier Royo, took on the task of renewing the Fundació Joan Miró’s corporate image with the aim of creating visual consistency in all communication media, while retaining the symbol that Joan Miró created for his Foundation.

Joan Miró. Logotip Fundació Joan Miró, c. 1975

The Fundació’s symbol is a reproduction of the original design that Joan Miró created to identify the new Centre d’Estudis d’Art Contemporani (Centre for the Study of Contemporary Art).

The new visual identity is being used in the Fundació’s media campaigns, on all internal and external communication material and stationery, and on the recently redesigned website.

Diego Feijóo, who directed the project, described the new identity as "a system that makes it possible to unequivocally identify Fundació material in any medium". As Feijóo explains, "the logo functions as a flexible text, uniting the symbol created by Joan Miró and the name ’Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona’, in a design solution that adds greater legibility, order, and visibility while respecting the original identity elements."