Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy

Press Kit


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  • Temporary exhibition
    Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy
  • Dates
    01/04/2022 - 26/09/2022
  • Curated by
    Marko Daniel along with Elena Escolar and Dolors Rodríguez Roig
Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy. Room 19

The Fundació Joan Miró presents Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy, an exhibition that sheds light on the artist’s most personal side by reviewing the collections he created for his family

Curated by Marko Daniel, together with Elena Escolar and Dolors Rodríguez Roig, the exhibition reconstructs the story of love and generosity that Miró began with the works that he produced and set aside for his wife and daughter and which ultimately resulted in the creation of the Fundació Joan Miró.

Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy features some 180 objects, among them eighty works that chart nigh on seven decades of his artistic career, as well as preparatory drawings, unpublished documentation and family photographs. This selection brings into a dialogue the artworks that Miró and his family have donated or deposited with the foundation from its early days to the very latest deposit of work this year, the most recent expression of the ongoing connection that has kept the artist’s commitment alive over three generations.

The exhibition is structured into five different sections that present the creation and evolution of the family collections, while at the same time pointing to the links between the selected works and cultural and historical moments in the twentieth century that Joan Miró, Pilar Juncosa and Dolors Miró witnessed.

With the support of the Fundació Banc Sabadell, the exhibition is accompanied by a publication that examines its central theses, as well as a public and education programme of in-person and online activities and events for everyone that explore Miró’s facet as a collector and the continuing relevance of his pictorial approaches.


Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy