The Examined Soul

Espai 13

Exhibition program
Samuel Labadie
Curated by
David Armengol

The Examined Soul consists of an installation of small format drawings, sculptures and video that take, as point of departure, Daniel Paul Schreber’s memoirs, an example of an extreme case of paranoia in Germany at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, made popular by Freud’s studies on neurosis.

From those memoirs, Memorias de un enfermo de nervios [Memoirs of My Nervous Illness], Samuel Labadie builds a visual translation of paranoiac thought filtered through an art perspective. In it, we encounter a delirious world full of physical connections to the divine —the soul, for instance, becomes an organic element— that helps the artist construct his personal cosmology, one that translates Schreber’s texts into a world of images and objects.

6 September, 7.30 p.m.

Closing session of the “Perplexity” programme and presentation of the publication L’ànima examinada (The Examined Soul) by Samuel Labadie and David Armangol, with the participation of Setanta (the designers of “Perplexity”) and a live performance by Kudge.

Auditorium of the Joan Miró Foundation