With Your Own Hands

Espai 13

Exhibition program
Lesson 0
Rita Ponce de León
Curated by
Colectivo Azotea (Juan Canela y Ane Aguirre)

The proposal for Espai 13 by Rita Ponce de León (Peru, 1982) revolves around the idea of a molding show that gets filled up, emptied and refilled back again and again. With Your Own Hands splits the gallery space in two. The visitor does not access it through a single, already mapped itinerary, but has the ability to interact freely with the architecture and each and every object inhabiting it. These objects, designed by the artist, are inspired by the life of a person that she knows and by their conversations together. This establishes a welcoming space that opens an opportunity for creativity -individually or collectively-at different levels: formal, narrative, artistic, creative or in relation to the exhibition. The objects arranged on both sides of the gallery suggest a personal universe, but they are also made out of disjointed fragments of a whole that is different for each one of us. To be able to touch them, move them, or make them break through the membrane that divides the gallery recodes their meaning and endows them with new memories and emotions. A space for self-learning is thus ensured through the aesthetic experience. On the other hand, the idea of organizing, relating and articulating an artistic proposal rests solely on the experience of visiting the exhibit. From what they intent to communicate, these objects provide the opportunity to test unusual approaches to the exhibiting of works and to the discourse of the artist.