
The taming of fire marks the beginning of humanity. Bodies are warmed, beasts are driven away and, as a community, light is poured into our darkest regions around a bonfire.

'I love to work with fire. Fire has unforeseeable reactions. It destroys less than it transforms; it acts on what it burns with an inventive force which possesses magic. I wanted to paint with fire and by fire.' Miró wrote this in his 80s while he was creating his 'burnt canvas' series. He also outlined several instructions: 'I: Pour colours, II: Cuts, III: Tear and hang it, IV: Black Spots, with rage, improvise with rage.' He sought to transcend the limits of painting and found an accomplice in fire. The origins of this relationship can be found in the firing process of the ceramic artist Josep Llorens i Artigas' studio, but above all in the enormous importance of fire in Catalan folk traditions: correfocs [fire runs], Saint John's Eve fireworks, or the Fallas fire descent festival in the Pyrenees. A summer solstice is once again approaching and we in Lluerna propose to meet to light a new fire. Let the call for proposals begin.

Lluerna is a community and space for creation and thought, in addition to this community's channel for expression and exchange. Each edition is set to be produced every three months and is reflected by a change of topic as suggested by a Joan Miró work. Lluerna occupies a digital space and is embodied in a face-to-face event in the Auditorium of the Fundació Joan Miró, which is followed by a forum for discussion held in a more relaxed setting.

Next Lluerna edition on 14 September.

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2 hours 30 minutes


Auditorium, Fundació Joan Miró


14 September 2023  6 pm


€3, €2 Friends of the Fundació Joan Miró


Online tickets